Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Happy Birthday!! and all that.

A few years ago I walked into my kitchen and Grey made me watch a video of a band on The Tonight Show. He said they, "rocked harder than any other band out there." We, along with Juan and Dee, then drank a bottle of booze and danced to My Morning Jacket in the kitchen until the early morning.

That band did, and does, rock harder than any band out there. Since that night My Morning Jacket has become my favorite band. I will always appreciate being turned on to amazing bands, it's a great gift.

Since April is the month of so many of my close friend's birthdays, I thought I'd wish them all a big Happy Birthday with a stream of a show that I was at on New Year's Eve 2008. The show is epic and said to be one of the bands best 2 shows of all time. The other is their Bonnaroo 2008 late-night set which I was also in the crowd for.

So Happy Birthday, Dave (4/4), Grey (4/5), Wolfman (4/6), Peabody (4/12), Steve (4/14), Brian (4/20), and Brian (4/30).

If I missed anyone, my bad, don't have a facebook so I have to actually remember or write these things down.

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